Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Journey Begins

So a few days ago my cousin came over and he brought something up that caught my attention. He said "Have you ever heard of barefoot running?" Which got me wandering what it was all about, so I started reserching. I immediately went out and bought the book "Born To Run" by: Christopher McDougall, which I am currently half way through, and am finding to be a very good and informative book. After what I have read in "Born To Run" and numerus websites I think I am ready to give barefoot running a try.

My background in running is minimal I was a sprinter in middle school, and my freshman year of high school. I then got a job and stopped running pretty much all together, except for the occasinal spunk of energy that would send me out on a slow one or two mile run at the most. I am now 21 and About a month and a half ago I decided I needed to start running again, so I got off my lazy butt and started running. I entered myself in a couple 5k races and a 10k race all within a month and a half span for motivation, which seemed to work well. Except just recently my knees have started hurting and I just got shin splints putting me on rest.

Barfoot running is said to prevent many running injures, ounce you have become acustomned to it and have learned the proper running form. From what I have read it says you pretty much have to crawl before you can run. Being barefoot is pretty much nonexistent to me except the ocasinal walk to the mail box. So tomarrow Thursday, June 10 is going to be my first time out with out shods holding me back. Im going to feel what its like to be free, being able to feel the earth with nothing in between us.

Below is a picture of my feet before heading out barefoot.


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